Triple H or Bret Hart?

Publish date: 2024-04-19
Man people like to rewrite history in the favor of their favorite wrestlers. Bret Hart is a great wrestler as is Triple H. Bret Hart is NO WHERE NEAR HUNTER AS A DRAW! It isn't even close. Hunter in 2000, Rock was beginning his filming career and Austin was injured, had one of the best drawing years in the history of pro wrestling. Don't take my word for it, go read about it in the Observer or Torch.

The IWC hate of HHH is really annoying because he really was great in his prime. The last time the WWE belt was worth a damn, HHH held it. I could care less about who he is married to. Bret was a HUGE international draw but was only ok in the US. Don't sell HHH short because you feel some way about him personally.
