How many chapters are there in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a challenging soulslike role-playing game with a mostly linear path of missions. Each mission has a main objective, and others that require completion to progress the main story and unlock new stuff.

This post will list all the chapters and missions in the game for players wondering how many chapters and missions there are.

Number of chapters and missions in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

There are seven chapters, divided into sixteen missions. Each chapter has a different number of missions, and completing them progresses the story. The number of missions depends on each chapter, as they are not equally divided. The list below indicates that chapter four is the longest.

These include:

Chapter 1: Encounter

Mission: Village of Calamity

Chapter 2: Delusion

Mission: Two Chivalrous Heroes

Mission: The Valley of Crying Wraiths

Mission: The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven

Chapter 3: Corruption

Mission: In Search of the Immortal Wizard

Mission: Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch

Chapter 4: Tyranny

Mission: The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass

Mission: Centuries of Glory Burned Away

Mission: Darkness over the Hanshui River

Mission: Tyrant’s Final Banquet

Chapter 5: Fortitude

Mission: War’s Flame Blaze Fiercely

Mission: The Way of the Warrior

Mission: Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men

Chapter 6: Malice

Mission: Behold the Glaive of Righteousness

Mission: Decisive battle of Guandu

Chapter 7: Ascension

Mission: The Crouching Dragon Roars

Getting through these chapters should take around 25 hours, with the playtime increasing if players opt for a completionist run. Players new to the soulslike genre will probably take longer to complete this game as the learning curve can be somewhat lengthy.

Most of these missions occur at a linear level, but some paths lead to other collectibles and resources should the player explore extensively.

Each chapter holds a theme given away by its name, providing context to the story of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Missions require players to reach a certain level, with the final one requiring the player to reach level 90.

The combat of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty heavily emphasizes the parry mechanic while maintaining the spirit gauge. Building a spirit gauge on an enemy opens them up to finishing blows that can kill them and gravely damage stronger foes.

The game is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. Readers can click here for more guides, news, and info on Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

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