EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Lana Blac

Publish date: 2024-05-23

Lana Blac is an exciting rising talent based out of New York City. Her music Channels vibes from artists like, In This Moment, Marilyn Manson, Madonna, Rob Zombie, and Evanescence and her last Friday (October 19th) she dropped her debut album ‘Nocturnal’.

Here we chat exclusively to Lana Blac to discuss her debut record and music inspiration:

Growing up who inspired your love of music?

Darling… The harpsichord has always lulled me to sleep inside my coffin, where I often dream of the days I spent out in the sunlight in The Transylvanian Mountains of Romania when I was a little girl skipping through the woods with brown bears, wolves, and lynxes. Inspiration, Mmm… Let’s see… every genre of music stirs me in some way. However, Rock and Metal are my true loves. I particularly enjoy the sounds of Black Sabbath, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Metallica, and of course Type-O Negative listening to them makes my insides burn in such a wildly fantastic way! Lol!

Can you remember your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory is when I was at the butcher shop with my grandmother when I was just two years of age. Mmm… The aroma of fresh raw meat filled the air. It was exhilarating. I climbed up on the counter in the butcher shop and began singing songs for all the hungry customers. I received such a warm loving reaction from the crowd. When I think back, that really was the beginning of my career as a singer. 

How would you describe your sound to new listeners?

Each song on my album has its own dark and mysterious sound from Rock, Hard Rock, Goth, Metal, even Pop. I can’t wait for everyone to hear each one of my songs is unique in its own special way.  

How excited are you to be sharing your debut album?

I am beyond ecstatic about my debut album, NOCTURNAL! It has been a dream of mine to release my music to the masses ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a performer.

What inspired the record?

My entire life thus far has inspired my album, “NOCTURNAL”. Every experience and every emotion that I feel in my heart and soul has been poured into this album. Once people listen to my lyrics, I know they will be able to relate to what I am saying.

What do you hope fans take from the LP?

My hope for this album is that I am able to touch the hearts and souls of my fans. My wish is to speak to millions of people through my music and let them know they are not alone in their feelings. My songs were written about my life and my feelings of love, hate, heartbreak, betrayal, and redemption. Every one of these feelings has been dredged up from deep inside the depths of my soul. 

What song are you most excited about sharing?

There is no possible way for me to focus on any one individual song. I am so excited about sharing all of my songs, as each one is different and holds it’s own weight in the Rock realm. However, I believe that “In The Darkness” would be an outstanding choice for a new vampire movie.

Looking ahead what else can we expect from you in the final part of 2018?

I’m going to be filming a music video in November for my song, “The Game”. I will also be starring in a horror film. And of course darling, I will be working on spreading my music all over the globe during the final part of 2018. So please stay tuned my Darling Darklings, for this is only the beginning.

Make sure you follow Lana on Twitter @blac_lana to keep up to date with all her latest music and tour news!

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